Welcome To
My Personal Portfolio

I am Ayush Panday, a deep-learner, web-developer and Javascript enthusiast from Rajasthan, India.
I have 9+ months of experience in web-developement.

See below



A fullstack Food-ordering web-application. With currycorner a user can register himself and then order delicate dishes according to his taste. Also, shopkeepers can register and sell their food items. Implemented Restful Api's, Bcrypt-salt hashing, Jwt token.

  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • React
  • Node


WanderStay is an Interactive hotel-booking web-application UI where user can book hotels across the globe after searching his destination and with React calendar he can choose the date for check-in. User can check the suitable property and book it.

  • React
  • JavaScript

E-commerce shopping

Role: Backend. Cloned project of Flipkart where we can order any product by adding it into functional cart.User is allowed to Create, update or delete his registration as well as apply CRUD on his cart.

  • Node
  • Aws-S3
  • Express
  • MongoDB


Role:Backend. This is server side management project where author can publish their books and Readers can read books and review them by rating.

  • Node
  • Express
  • MongoDB


I've skillset and worked with a range of technologies related to web development.

  • Front-End

    Experiece with
    React.js, Html, Css

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Node, Express & Git.

  • Data-base

    Experience with
    MongoDb, MySQL and basics of Redis & Aws-S3

About Me

I am passionate for web-developement and I'm always interested in enriching my software skills.
When I am not on my computer then I'm usually working out at gym lifting deadlifts, either travelling or simply enoying my coffee.



Months experience


Open Source Projects


Contributed team projects

Innovating one project at a time